Thesis guidance rates
Online guidance
starting from 5 hours
59 per hour
- 5 hours guidance or more
- Skype, telephone, e-mail and in the document
Online guidance
Starting from 10 hours
55 per hour
- 10 hours guidance or more
- Skype, telephone, e-mail and in the document
Location guidance
Starting from 5 hours
69 per hour
- 5 hours guidance or more
- Location: at The Student Hotel Den Haag
Location guidance
starting from 10 hours
65 per hour
- 10 hours guidance or more
- Location: at The Student Hotel Den Haag
Online single hour
69 per hour
Location single hour
79 per hour
Why to invest in your thesis?
Thesis coaching is an investment in your future career. You invest time, tuition fees and thesis supervision to successfully complete your thesis.
When you conclude your thesis, you develop subject-related, professional and personal skills. Professional skills such as a critical reflection on information resources. Personal skills such as working independently on a project, perseverance when receiving feedback and setting priorities. You will take these valuable skills with you when you start working, start a new study or make a promotion. At Afstudeerwijzer we support you to develop these subject-related, professional and personal skills.
At Afstudeerwijzer we understand that our thesis supervision is an investment for you. However, ultimately you will earn back your investment costs and tuition fees. The thesis supervisor of Afstudeerwijzer will help you during the process of your thesis. Furthermore, you will not suffer any delays and the guidance will reduce or event prevent stress and worries while writing your thesis.
Thesis supervision tax-deductible?
It is possible that you can deduct the costs of thesis guidance as tax-deductible study costs. You will find more information about tax-deductible study costs at the website of the tax authorities via this link. You do not pay VAT on the fees for thesis guidance.
Correcting your thesis linguistically?
You can also have your thesis linguistically checked in Dutch and in English. Would you like to request an offer? Then we would like to receive your thesis so we can inform you about the costs. Of course, we treat your thesis and personal information confidentially, read also our privacy statement. You can send your thesis to:
We also have a partnership with Scribbr. Experienced and professional editors can help you to correct your thesis for all language errors: spelling, typing errors, grammatical errors, punctuation, the structure of sentences and word choice. Prevent losing points on language errors! We have a special discount code for students who are clients of the Afstudeerwijzer. Feel free to contact us for more information.