
By using this website you agree with this disclaimer. You can not derive any rights from these texts. Each point mentioned below applies to the website www.afstudeerwijzer.nl.

Afstudeerwijzer ensures that the content of the website is regularly updated or added. Nevertheless, the company is not liable for inaccuracies or omissions in the content offered.

Afstudeerwijzer does not guarantee that the offered content is valid or suitable for a specific purpose.

The company is not liable for damage:
a. Inflicted by the website
b. Resulting from the use of the website
c. In any other respect related to (the use of) the website
d. Resulting from the impossibility to consult (one of the webpages of) the website
The company is also exempt from claims in the event of imminent damage.

Afstudeerwijzer reserves the right to change, add or remove content from the website at any time. Afstudeerwijzer reserves the right to terminate the website in its entirety without prior notice and without further claims. The company is also not liable for consequences (damage) as a result of the termination of the website.

Afstudeerwijzer is not responsible for websites and files linked to external hyperlinks. The company reserves the right to deny you access to the website and the services offered without notice.

During your visit to the website, general details of your computer are stored in log files. In the first instance these are meant for statistics. However, in case of abuse, these can be used to monitor your visits to the site or to deny you access to the website.

Other information
For questions about this disclaimer or the website, please contact  Afstudeerwijzer: info@afstudeerwijzer.nl